Dr Prabhakarababu, Tamil Poet, An admirer of Dr.Daisaku Ikeda Translated this book Fighting for Peace in Tamil |

Daisaku Ikeda: A Brief Biographical Sketch
Daisaku Ikeda is a Buddhist philosopher, peacebuilder, educator, author and poet. He is the third president of the Soka Gakkai lay Buddhist organization and the founding president of the Soka Gakkai International (SGI), which is today one of the world's largest and most diverse lay Buddhist organizations, promoting a philosophy of character development and social engagement for peace.
Ikeda is founder of the Soka (value-creation) schools, a nondenominational school system based on an ideal of fostering each student's unique creative potential and cultivating an ethic of peace, social contribution and global consciousness. The school system runs from kindergarten through graduate study and includes a university in Tokyo, Japan, and another in California, USA.
Ikeda is a staunch proponent of dialogue as the foundation of peace. Since the 1970s he has pursued dialogue with a wide range of individuals around the world in political, cultural, educational and academic fields. Over 50 of these have been published in book form, with people such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Elise Boulding, Joseph Rotblat and André Malraux. In furtherance of his vision of fostering dialogue and solidarity for peace, Ikeda has founded a number of independent, nonprofit research institutes that develop cross-cultural, interdisciplinary collaboration on diverse issues: the Boston Research Center for the 21st Century (renamed the Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue in 2009), the Toda Institute for Global Peace and Policy Research and the Institute of Oriental Philosophy. The Min-On Concert Association and the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum promote mutual understanding and friendship between different national cultures through the arts.
Fighting for peace: poems
Author:Daisaku Ikeda
The book, Fighting for Peace, contains wonderful poems of Dr.Daisaku Ikeda. Attracted by this book I have translated the said book from English version in Tamil, a classical language belonging to southern parts India (Chennai BSG), in modern verse. My profile is available in blog "kaviprabhakar.blogspot.com". If someone helps me my tamil version can be printed in mass scale for the benefits of BSG followers in Tamil Nadu. Dr.Daisaku Ikeda is a rare human gem born in this world for us. I adore him.
Translated by Andrew Gebert
Translated in Tamil by Dr.Prabhakarababu titled "AMAIDHIKKANA PORAATTAM"
(wishing to translate more books of Dr.Daisaku Ikeda in Tamil)
Daisaku Ikeda
(wishing to translate more books of Dr.Daisaku Ikeda in Tamil)
Daisaku Ikeda
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